Employee Surveys

We help organisations ask their people for their thoughts and opinions.

We can help you ask insightful questions to give your people a voice in the conversation.

Employee Engagement Surveys

Measuring how engaged you people feel provides insight and feedback that can drive and steer important organisational change. Regular surveys, whether regular pulse surveys, or more in-depth annual employee questionnaires provide an opportunity to involve your team members, discover new insights and measure change over time.

Insights from engagement surveys can provide useful actions to support business objectives, such as reducing employee turnover and improving wellbeing.

Effective engagement surveys

Performance appraisals and 360 degree feedback

Employee performance reviews can be hard work. Running them by hand is time-consuming and challenging to scale. More time is often spent chasing managers and employees than creating effective reports.

We provide cloud-based tools for delivering a great performance management experience. Organisations of all sizes can create regular performance reviews that are easy to set up and manage. A better experience for employees, managers, decision makers, and the HR team.

Automatic reminders. Built-in reports. Easy for managers. Simpler for employees.

Exit interviews

Some of the most honest opinions come from employees leaving your organisation. Offboarding employees can provide honest feedback and insights that current employees might not feel comfortable saying.

We help organisations create effective exit interview questions that lead to practical insights and actions. Exit interview responses can be anonymised to help encourage open feedback from leavers.

To find out more, please contact us...